Hayward Gallery

Sam Forster Associates have successfully delivered over 50 major Hayward Gallery shows over the past 20 years, including:

Haegue Yang: Leap Year - Tavares Strachan: There is Light Somewhere - When Forms Come Alive - Hiroshi Sugimoto: Time Machine - Dear Earth: Art and Hope in a Time of Crisis - Mike Nelson: Extinction Beckons - Strange Clay: Ceramics in Contemporary Art - In the Black Fantastic - Louise Bourgeois: The Woven Child - Anthea Hamilton’s Primetime - Among the Trees - Bridget Riley - Kiss My Genders - Diane Arbus - Andreas Gursky - The Infinite Mix - Carsten Höller: Decision - Light: James Turrell - Ana Mendiata - Jeremy Deller - Tracey Emin - Pippilotti Rist - Walking in My Mind - Andy Warhol - Anthony Gormley: Blind Light


Wellcome Collection


Japan House